Breakfast, Breakbeats, Birthdays, and Tim Burton

by | May 21, 2023 | EDM | 3 comments

I was reading through online posts celebrating my partner Stacia’s birthday when a social media platform notified me that it was also my friend Simon’s birthday. Simon is someone I used to go to Drum & Bass shows with in London whilst attending university there in the previous century.

I reached out to wish him another happy loop around the sun, and let him know that I was still getting out and seeing as much live beats as I could. Turns out, Simon is doing the same – and contibuting back to the scene himself.  DJ Sy King, as he is known, dropped me these two links, and after a quick listen, I know I am going to have them on loop during this upcoming week!

Music, and the love of it, is something that has kept me connected to people – even when there are large spans of time and geographical distance between us.

I have another friend, known in the scene as DJ Zealot, whom I haven’t seen since we collaborated on a few films a little over a decade ago. Every year or so, she sends me a new mix or two – and each time – they end up ‘on loop’ in my headphones for the weeks which follow – I hope to be able to share some of her mixes on this blog in the future!

As I messaged with DJ Sy King, I shared with him that I had just attended a Gorgon City show at Red Rocks Amphitheater, and I wanted to share some of the videos and pictures with him. And just as I had with DJ Zealot, I wanted to share photos and videos from all the shows I have attended recently… Culture Shock, Sub Focus, 1991.

It was at that moment that I decided I would finally start to create a space on-line where I could share music and media back to the community that I have loved being a part of for so many years..

So here it is.. my inaugural blog post.. to be followed up shortly with a story about a snowy night at a Gorgon City show.. 


  1. Simon

    Great to hear from you Seth. I look back at those London years at College with great affection.
    It is so true that music unites us even after many decades and living in different parts of the world. Music is such a positive, powerful force that bring us all together. Peace, Love and Unity 👊😃

  2. slip

    @22:22 on All Vinyl breakfast is wicked!

  3. slip

    @29:45 on All Vinyl breakfast – I remember shouting out to this on K00L-FM!


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Seth Lippman

Striving to make the world a better place through technology.

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